Secure Microsoft 365 Pricing

Best Microsoft 365 Pricing. Superior Security & Support.
Take advantage of 365 at the same price as Microsoft, but with superior support from eSkyCity. All the apps and services you love, plus options for powerful email and endpoint security.
Business Plans
Up to 300 users per plan
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Business Basic
Formerly Office 365 Business Essentials
eSkyCity Support
Hosted ExchangeThe gold standard for hosted business email, powered by Microsoft. Email
50 GB Mailbox
Web and Mobile AppsOnline and mobile versions of Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.
Desktop AppsOutlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, and OneNote.
Enterprise AppsYammer, Stream, Sway, Planner, Power Apps, Power Automate, MyAnalytics, and To Do.
Run on ServerLicense, install, and use Microsoft Apps on Windows Server.
1 TB OneDriveFile storage, sharing, and synchronization for all your devices.
SharePointWeb-based team collaboration for organizing and sharing files, data, news, and resources.
Microsoft TeamsTeam communication and collaboration platform, including chat, video meetings, and more.
300 User MaximumPurchase up to 300 user licenses for each plan.
Paid yearly ($72)
Go Basic
Business Standard
Formerly Office 365 Business Premium
eSkyCity Support
Hosted ExchangeThe gold standard for hosted business email, powered by Microsoft. Email
50 GB Mailbox
Web and Mobile AppsOnline and mobile versions of Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.
Desktop AppsOutlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, and OneNote.
Enterprise AppsYammer, Stream, Sway, Planner, Power Apps, Power Automate, MyAnalytics, and To Do.
Run on ServerLicense, install, and use Microsoft Apps on Windows Server.
1 TB OneDriveFile storage, sharing, and synchronization for all your devices.
SharePointWeb-based team collaboration for organizing and sharing files, data, news, and resources.
Microsoft TeamsTeam communication and collaboration platform, including chat, video meetings, and more.
300 User MaximumPurchase up to 300 user licenses for each plan.
Paid yearly ($150)
Go Standard
Business Apps
Formerly Office 365 Business
eSkyCity Support
Hosted ExchangeThe gold standard for hosted business email, powered by Microsoft. Email
50 GB Mailbox
Web and Mobile AppsOnline and mobile versions of Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.
Desktop AppsOutlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, and OneNote.
Enterprise AppsYammer, Stream, Sway, Planner, Power Apps, Power Automate, MyAnalytics, and To Do.
Run on ServerLicense, install, and use Microsoft Apps on Windows Server.
1 TB OneDriveFile storage, sharing, and synchronization for all your devices.
SharePointWeb-based team collaboration for organizing and sharing files, data, news, and resources.
Microsoft TeamsTeam communication and collaboration platform, including chat, video meetings, and more.
300 User MaximumPurchase up to 300 user licenses for each plan.
Paid yearly ($99)
Go Apps
Get 2 months free with yearly plans
Enterprise Plans
Take advantage of advanced enterprise apps for social, file sharing, content creation, task management, and analytics, while bypassing the 300 user limit of Business plans and unlocking the ability to run Microsoft Apps on Windows Server.
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